We will adjust the courses according to your job specifications (e.g. we will focus on the understanding of specialist journals and speeches, we will help you with the reading of materials from the Energy Union and the European Union).
Generally speaking, courses are focused on thematic communication. Together with our teachers you will have a possibility to get into a real situation and acquire good communication habits.
Perfect presentations
Soft skills
FCE preparation courses
Individual English lessons
Adventure activities with a native speaker
The start of the courses and their outputs are in the compliance with the definition of English teaching according to CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). This classification was introduced in 2001 and it applies to all European languages. That is why there are symbols A1 – C2 on back covers of text books or texts introductions of e.g. teaching foreign-language magazines marking their level (the previous classification used to be: pre-intermediate, intermediate or upper intermediate). The exact description of current levels is very detailed and it can be found at the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports websites www.msmt.cz.
G3consult, s.r.o., Marie Vydrove 537/27, 37001 Ceske Budejovice | G3Consult, s.r.o. © 2016